Trail Blazing Down To The Cabin Build Site Is Complete!

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own little slice of heaven and molding it into the perfect off grid retreat?

It’s no coincidence that homesteading and off grid living is on the rise and in a very big way!

You just need to turn on the TV and you’ll find several networks dedicating several seasons to this incredibly independent and fulfilling lifestyle.

Shows like…

One of the best parts of off grid living is that you can choose the type of land you want to live on.

After all, it’s your land!

What type of "off grid" land do most people end up choosing?

The 6 Must Know Tips For How To Buy Off Grid Land

It’s not surprising to that most off grid properties are nestled into thickly forested areas that are away from most residential areas.

Oftentimes just a stone’s throw from a freshwater lake, off a gravel road and even miles from the nearest neighbor.

That’s what we were looking for when choosing our property.

However, not every wooded plot of land comes with an access road direct to your build site.

We’ve written up 6 must know tips for how to buy off grid land.

Often times it’s up to the property owner (now you) to put in your own access road.

And that just might mean blazing a trail through the woods like we did.

Here’s what our finished trail looked like before the excavator got started putting in our gravel road.


Want a complete cost breakdown of our 24ft x 20ft off grid home including the building materials list?


Trail Blazing The Off Grid Cabin

In our last post began blazing a 650 foot trail down to our build site that will one day become the main access road to our cabin.

Today we finished up blazing that trail and eager to show you the finished project!

Why This Blazed Trail Is Critical For Us To Build the Cabin

Our newly blazed trail not only allows us to start bringing tools and materials down to the build site but it serves as the blue print for our road builder to follow.

In the future you’ll see how we used this trail to us to bring all 20,000lbs of building materials down to our build site.

But first, here’s a quick walk through of the old access trail that we’ve been using to access our property.

You can see in the satellite image below the existing access trail runs across two adjacent properties that we do not own.


NOTE: When we purchased our plot of land we made certain the lawyer included a written request, in the sales contract, to access to our property using the existing trail (running though other plots) until we were finished building our road.

So, Why Blaze A Trail By Hand?

You might be wondering why we didn’t just let the excavator operator drive straight through the woods along a bunch of trees marked with neon tape?

Well unfortunately our property shape is quite irregular as you can see.

Some sections are quite narrow (20 feet wide) and that means we need to be careful we don’t wander onto the adjacent properties.

Here’s a view BEFORE we started blazing our trail.


TIP: We elected to mark out the exact locations where our road builder would strip using an iPhone and the viewpoint website.

By doing this ourselves we save A LOT of money.

Otherwise we would have had to hire a land surveyor.

While this might seem like an overwhelming job we had already found each of our property corner markers and used those to tape off the circumference.

This acted like a visual boundary for the excavator operator and ensured he would remain on our property at all times.

Here's How We Did It

We did this using public access satellite imagery (Google Earth), our Phone’s GPS, and an online real estate program which shows our property lines and our current location when accessing the site (viewpoint).

We go into more detail of how we accessed satellite imagery of our land and located our property lines using an online website and iPhone app.

Finding Properties With Google Earth

Putting in a road is not as simple as driving through the woods and dropping trees. 

When an excavator puts in a road the operator cannot simply push down trees left and right and tamp the ground down as they go. They must first push the trees over, pile them up in multiple piles and drive along the side the road in order to tamp it down with the bucket.

Hence the reason we needed to be very precise with marking the trees along our property line and brazing the trail.

Once the trail was completed we directed the operator to stay ON and TO THE RIGHT SIDE of the trail we had made.

This would would unsure he was on our property at all times.

Even in thickly forested areas that may never see another person, our municipal guidelines gave a ruling on how close to our property lines we could clear and place fallen trees.

According to our local municipalities rules…

When clearing your property ensure to stay a minimum of two feet away from the line separating you from the adjacent property. This includes trees cutting and felling trees onto adjacent properties.

But of course BEFORE you start clearing your land find out the specific code(s) in your area.

Every area is different and the 2 foot property line rule is what applies to us here.

Here's The Trail Blazing Equipment We Used

Please note: many of these links below are affiliate links, so when you purchase any of these items through the links on this page, we will receive a small commission that is used to help keep The Off Grid Cabin running. We’ve found that Amazon has excellent product descriptions, detailed personal reviews, and some of the lowest prices available.

These are all products that we either personally own, use or support and if you purchase items through these links, you have our sincere thanks!