Off Grid Homestead vs Tiny House: Which is Perfect for You?

You’ve decided you’re going off the grid. Maybe it’s going to be part time, weekends and summer vacations away from the city. Or maybe full time, all year round every season thrown at you, no matter the weather you’re ready to tackle it all. Either way, you’re going to do it. It’s high time to save money, no more utility bills and embrace the great adventure of man vs nature.

Ok, so now you’re asking yourself “Where the heck do I even get started?”. Before you put pen to paper, start looking at properties to scope out and Googling “what’s the best solar system for off grid living”… you need to think about whether you want a small simple off grid, self sufficient tiny home or something bigger with some room to roam, stretch your legs, and yet still be 100% off the grid like an off grid homestead. 

But what are the differences between these two lifestyles, and which one is best suited for your needs, preferences, and goals? In this article, we will compare and contrast off grid homesteading and tiny house living in terms of cost, space, comfort, and sustainability. We will also provide some guidance and advice on how to choose the best option for you. 

Let’s get started!

An image showing two contrasting alternative living options. On the left, a spacious and rustic off grid homestead with various features and facilities for self-reliance and sustainability. On the right, a minimalist and modern tiny house with limited space and amenities for mobility and flexibility.

Table of Contents

What is Off Grid Homesteading?

A happy smiling woman feeding her chickens and tiny pony on her homestead

An off grid homestead is a property where the home and outbuildings are not connected to utility services, such as water, gas, or electricity lines. This type of homestead relies on alternative sources of power, like solar, wind, or hydro power, and often has its own water source. Off grid homesteaders aim to be self-sufficient and sustainable, growing their own food, raising livestock, and producing their own energy. It can take many forms, from a small-scale garden with a few backyard chickens to a large farm with crops, livestock, and extensive renewable energy systems on hundreds of acres of land.

What is Tiny House Living?

Off Grid Living Solar Power Lights At The Off Grid Cabin

Tiny house living is a way of living that involves shedding your excess space and stuff, and living in a cozy, compact, and often custom designed home. Tiny houses are typically between 100 and 400 square feet, and can be built on wheels, trailers, or stationary foundations. Tiny house living represents a form of minimalism, as well as a way to save money, travel more, and live more intentionally and creatively. There needs to be a strong desire to live in a compact house. As an example, you might consider our off grid cabin is really more of an off grid tiny house. The off grid cabin just sounded a lot better than the off grid house when we first started building the cabin and our website.

The Off Grid Cabin Complete Build List and Materials Image

Cost: Which One is Cheaper?